augur titers

Annotate a tree with actual and inferred titer measurements.

usage: augur titers [-h] {tree,sub} ...



tree model

augur titers tree [-h] --titers TITERS [TITERS ...] --tree TREE
                  [--allow-empty-model] --output OUTPUT

Named Arguments


file with titer measurements

--tree, -t

tree to perform fit titer model to


allow model to be empty

Default: False

--output, -o

JSON file to save titer model


substitution model

augur titers sub [-h] --titers TITERS [TITERS ...] --alignment ALIGNMENT
                 [ALIGNMENT ...] --gene-names GENE_NAMES [GENE_NAMES ...]
                 [--tree TREE] [--allow-empty-model] --output OUTPUT

Named Arguments


file with titer measurements


sequence to be used in the substitution model, supplied as fasta files


names of the sequences in the alignment, same order assumed

--tree, -t

optional tree to annotate fit titer model to


allow model to be empty

Default: False

--output, -o

JSON file to save titer model