augur ancestral

Infer ancestral sequences based on a tree.

usage: augur ancestral [-h] --tree TREE [--alignment ALIGNMENT]
                       [--output-node-data OUTPUT_NODE_DATA]
                       [--output-sequences OUTPUT_SEQUENCES]
                       [--inference {joint,marginal}]
                       [--vcf-reference VCF_REFERENCE]
                       [--output-vcf OUTPUT_VCF]
                       [--keep-ambiguous | --infer-ambiguous]

Named Arguments

--tree, -t

prebuilt Newick

--alignment, -a

alignment in fasta or VCF format


name of JSON file to save mutations and ancestral sequences to


name of FASTA file to save ancestral sequences to (FASTA alignments only)


Possible choices: joint, marginal

calculate joint or marginal maximum likelihood ancestral sequence states

Default: “joint”


fasta file of the sequence the VCF was mapped to


name of output VCF file which will include ancestral seqs


do not infer nucleotides at ambiguous (N) sites on tip sequences (leave as N).

Default: True


infer nucleotides at ambiguous (N,W,R,..) sites on tip sequences and replace with most likely state.

Default: False


do not infer nucleotides for gaps (-) on either side of the alignment

Default: False