Terra Workflowļƒ

I. Import ncov wdl workflow from Dockstoreļƒ

  1. Set up Terra account

  2. Navigate to Dockstore: ncov:wdl/master

  3. Top right corner, under Launch with, click on Terra

  4. Under ā€œWorkflow Nameā€ set a name, can also leave default ncov, and select your Destination Workspace in the drop down menu.

  5. Click button IMPORT

  6. In your workspace, click on the WORKFLOWS tab and verify that the imported workflow is showing a card

II. Upload your data files into Terraļƒ

  1. Navigate to: https://app.terra.bio/#upload.

  2. Select your workspace

  3. At the top, hit the + button to ā€œcreate a collectionā€

  4. Within the collection, at bottom right, click + button to uplaod file, or drag and drop files to upload them.

  5. Go back to your Terra Dashboard

  6. Click on the DATA tab

  7. On the left, under OTHER DATA, click Files and there should be an ā€œuploads/ā€ folder shown to the right

  8. Click on ā€œuploads/ā€ to view your collection and verify that your files have been uploaded

III. Connect your data files to the wdl workflowļƒ

  1. On the DATA tab, click on + next to the TABLES section to create a Data Table

  2. Download the ā€œsample_template.tsvā€ file

  3. Create a tab delimited file similar to below:

entity:ncov_examples_id     metadata        sequences       configfile_yaml
example     gs://COPY_PATH_HERE/example_metadata.tsv        gs://COPY_PATH_HERE/example_datasets/example_sequences.fasta.gz
example_build               gs://COPY_PATH_HERE/example-build.yaml
  1. Upload to Tables and you should get something like:

  1. Navigate back to the Workflow tab, and click on your imported ā€œncovā€ workflow

  2. Click on the radio button ā€œRun workflow(s) with inputs defined by data tableā€

  3. Under Step 1, select your root entity type ncov_examples from the drop down menu.

  4. Click on SELECT DATA to select all rows

  5. Most of the values will be blank but fill in the values below:

  1. Click on the OUTPUTS tab

  2. Connect your generated output back to the data table, but filling in values:

Task name












  1. Click on Save then click on Run Analysis

  2. Under the tab JOB HISTORY, verify that your job is running.

  3. When run is complete, check the DATA / TABLES / ncov_examples tab and download ā€œauspice.zipā€ file