
Each request has an associated session object (req.session). If the session object is modified during the request, then a persistent session is established at the end of the request by sending a cookie to the browser and setting a key in Redis (see Storage). If unmodified, the session object is considered ephemeral and not stored.

Persistent sessions are currently only established when initiating interactive login. While in most cases login is then completed successfully and the session becomes an authenticated session (i.e. it’s associated with a logged in user), some unauthenticated sessions do exist.

The rest of this document applies to persistent sessions (not ephemeral sessions), primarily those that are authenticated.


Sessions primarily contain:

User authn tokens

OAuth2 id, access, and refresh tokens provided by Cognito after interactive login and renewed automatically as needed by us. If available, then the tokens are used to reconstruct the request user object (req.user) and the session-stored user object is ignored.

Managed by our own authn layer.

User object

Serialized representation of the request user object (req.user), if the session is authenticated. User objects undergo a separate serialization/deserialization step before session serialization/deserialization. Only used to reconstruct the req.user if the session predates storing user tokens.

Managed by passport (e.g. by calling req.login(…)).

Cookie metadata

Details about the last cookie sent to the browser.

Managed mostly by the express-session middleware.



Session ids are stored in the browser in a cookie. Ids are signed using a secret known only to the server (SESSION_SECRET) to prevent tampering.


Session objects are stored in Redis under keys like${}. Objects are serialized/deserialized as JSON.


If Redis is not configured (e.g. in local development or single-instance production), then sessions are stored on the filesystem under sessions/


Sessions have a rolling expiration of 30 days, reset on each request. TTLs are applied to both the cookie and to the Redis keys.


While a session’s TTL is updated on every request, the serialized session objects themselves are only updated when necessary to avoid unnecessary writes.



The primary client-side risks to sessions are:

  • Session hijacking (theft of cookie)

  • Confused deputy attacks, clickjacking, etc. (abuse of cookie)

In order to lower the risk of these, the session cookie is marked with several attributes that together minimize its visibility/use:

  • Secure to forbid transmission over HTTP and require HTTPS (reference)

  • HttpOnly to forbid access by JavaScript (reference)

  • SameSite=Lax to forbid transmission in cross-site subrequests (e.g. when embedded in an iframe on another site) but permit transmission on navigation (e.g. when clicking a link to from another site) (reference)

However, the cookie is also marked with one attribute that broadens its visibility a bit:

  • to allow transmission to all subdomains of (e.g. share sessions across and (reference)

The risk added by the Domain attribute is because the cookie will also be sent to subdomains hosted by third-party services, like,, and others. While we do “trust” these providers, they increase the surface area for potential session hijacking via cookie theft. One big mitigation is that the cookie is HTTPS-only, so client-side JavaScript injections via those providers (which are much much more likely than server-side injections) still couldn’t access the cookie. All together, this added risk seems acceptable and worth the UX improvement of session sharing.

Future protections

To remove the third-party subdomain risk, we could:

  • move our internal services off the user-facing domain (e.g. use or instead).

  • accomplish session portability another way (e.g. explicit SSO by against as an IdP instead of implicit SSO via session sharing).


The primary server-side risks to sessions (excluding authn/authz bugs) are theft or leakage of sensitive session data from Redis. Sensitive data stored in sessions includes:

Session ids

Sensitive because they would form the basis for session hijacking or session fixation.

User authn tokens

Sensitive because they have the future potential to (although do not currently) provide access to:

  • to see private data or make changes to data (but currently Bearer authn is only accepted for the Nextstrain CLI’s client id)

  • our AWS Cognito user pool to modify the user’s own Cognito record (but currently the aws.cognito.signin.user.admin scope is not granted)

They also embed some private user info like email and name (and potentially phone, if set).

Access to this stored data requires authentication with a long random password. Data is protected in transit between the server and Redis by TLS. The Redis instance listens on a public IP and uses a self-signed cert, neither of which are ideal, but unfortunately these are out of our immediate control.

Layered protections exist to reduce the consequences of session data leakage, theft, or modification (e.g. by a breach of our Redis instance) if it did happen:

  • Direct re-use of the session ids in Redis is not possible since session ids in cookies must be signed using a secret known only to the server (SESSION_SECRET).

  • Authn tokens are encrypted at rest in Redis using symmetric AES-GCM encryption with 256-bit keys known only to the server (SESSION_ENCRYPTION_KEYS) and derived data keys. Encryption context is used to ensure that the encrypted keys can’t be copied from one session to another by someone who can modify session data. See the comments at the top of src/cryptography.js for more details on the encryption choices.

Future protections

To remove the unnecessary risks of Redis listening on a public IP and using a TLS cert we cannot verify, we’d have to (in rough order of increasing effort):

  • pay for Heroku’s VPC feature, Private Spaces, which is Enterprise-only (and thus likely $$$).

  • switch PaaS providers away from Heroku to Render or, both of which support internal-only services and offer managed Redis (but lose some nice Heroku features, like pipelines/promotion).

  • run Redis ourselves as a sidecar dyno on Heroku and setup our own VPC overlay network with something like Tailscale.

None of these seem worth it at the current time all things considered.

Environment variables


Must be set to a long, securely-generated string. It protects the session data stored in browser cookies. Changing this will invalidate all existing sessions and forcibly logout people.

Outside of production mode, this env var is ignored and the secret is an insecure fixed string.


Must be set to a URL query param string encoding pairs of key names and base64-encoded key material. These keys protect sensitive data in the session (such as authn tokens) when session data is “at rest” (such as in Redis). You may prepend new keys to use for new sessions (i.e. key rotation) but do not drop old keys or old sessions will be unusable and people will be forcibly logged out. Keys must be 256 bits in length.

Outside of production mode, if this env var is not provided then a randomly generated key is used.