
This document describes nextstrain.org’s use of Terraform to manage relevant infrastructure, such as our AWS resources like Cognito user pools.


You’ll need ambiently-configured AWS credentials with broad admin-level access to read (and optionally modify) resources in our account.

Please step cautiously and be careful when using them!


All terraform commands below expect to be run from within a directory containing a Terraform configuration (i.e. a set of one or more *.tf or *.tf.json files).

We have the following configurations:

  • env/production

  • env/testing

To choose which configuration you’re working with, you can either:

  1. cd into the configuration directory before running any terraform command, or

  2. run all terraform commands with the -chdir=<dir> option, e.g. terraform -chdir=env/testing plan.


Install Terraform and then, from a configuration directory (e.g. env/testing), run:

$ terraform init

This will create a .terraform directory to hold installed modules, local settings, and other data needed by the terraform command.

Authoring changes

Our Terraform configurations consists of a file structure like:

        outputs.tf → ../outputs.tf
        outputs.tf → ../outputs.tf
        variable-env.tf → ../variable-env.tf
        variable-env.tf → ../variable-env.tf

env/testing/terraform.tf is the single file that makes up the root module of the testing configuration. This file imports local modules we define in aws/cognito/ and aws/iam/.

Modules are any directory containing one or more Terraform configuration files (.tf or .tf.json), along with other optional files. Filenames (e.g. main.tf) are by convention only and all Terraform files will essentially be concatenated together and evaluated as one large blob.

Some snippets of Terraform definitions are shared across modules using symlinks from the module or configuration directory to a file in a parent directory, e.g. aws/cognito/variable-env.tf is a symlink to aws/variable-env.tf and env/testing/outputs.tf is a symlink to env/outputs.tf.

Any edits to the Terraform configuration will be picked up automatically when you next run terraform.


Sometimes “clicking around in the web console, then lying about it” is the easiest way to create or modify complex resources. There is no shame in doing that! It’s an example of Importing resources.

Previewing changes

Compare the remote state with the current configuration described in your local repository by running:

$ terraform plan

This describes any changes deemed necessary. It is always safe to run, and it’s often useful to run this frequently when developing to cross-check your expectations.

Deploying changes


We currently do not automatically deploy changes. Please manually coordinate application deploys—that is, deploys to next.nextstrain.org via merges to master and subsequent promotion to nextstrain.org—with Terraform changes.

First make a plan and save it to a file:

$ terraform plan -out=plan

Review the console output to make sure the plan is ok. You can reproduce the console output at a later point by running terraform show plan.


Make sure critical resources won’t be destroyed (deleted, removed, etc)! Due to our tightly coupled application and infrastructure design, operations should typically be limited to creations and updates-in-place.

If all looks good, apply the plan from the file when ready:

$ terraform apply plan


A GitHub Actions workflow, .github/workflows/terraform-lint.yml, automatically checks formatting of all Terraform files in the respository and validates the overall configuration.

During development, you should also format:

$ ./scripts/terraform-fmt

and validate:

$ terraform validate

your changes locally, either manually or by configuring these to run automatically in any manner of your choosing.

Importing resources

Importing is the process of bringing resources that already exist (e.g. in AWS) under the management of Terraform. The process involves reconciling new configuration describing the resources with their existing state so that Terraform thinks no changes need to be made. It goes somewhat like this:

  1. Switch to a temporary workspace so that state changes made by terraform import during your development aren’t made to the shared production state:

    $ terraform state pull | (terraform workspace new NAME && terraform state push -)

    Replace NAME with an appropriate name for the workspace (think like branch names).


    A bug in terraform workspace new makes its -state=PATH parameter unusable for our S3 backend.

  2. Define a stub resource in the configuration, e.g.

    resource "aws_s3_bucket" "example" {
        # stub
  3. Update Terraform’s state to match the existing state, e.g.:

    $ terraform import aws_s3_bucket.example example-bucket-name

    Paths to resources inside of modules use syntax like:

  4. Iteratively fill out the stub resource in the configuration with the help of inspecting the state:

    $ terraform state show aws_s3_bucket.example

    and inspecting the change plan:

    $ terraform plan

    The goal is to make the configuration match the existing state such that no changes are planned.

    It’s often possible to directly massage the output of terraform state show into appropriate configuration, particularly with the help of terraform validate to spot state outputs which aren’t valid resource arguments.


    Be sure to replace ids and other resource linkages with value references if the resource being referred to is already managed by Terraform.

  5. Once terraform plan is a no-op, go back and restructure the configuration, add comments, remove defaults which are unnecessary, etc. until it reads cleanly and makes sense to a new reader.

    Before committing, ensure that terraform plan is still a no-op.

  6. Clean up your temporary workspace:

    $ terraform workspace select default
    $ terraform workspace delete -force NAME

    Using -force is necessary because the workspace state still contains resources we want to keep around and not destroy (since they’re still referenced by the production state).

Since the default workspace state still doesn’t contain the imported resource, terraform plan will now report changes are needed because of the new configuration. This is as it should be since the default workspace state should correspond to what’s on the tip of the default Git branch to avoid affecting other configuration changes in the meantime.

After merging the branch with the configuration change, re-import the existing resource’s state into the default workspace, e.g.:

$ terraform import aws_s3_bucket.example example-bucket-name

Now terraform plan should report nothing to be done.


Each configuration provides outputs of key-value pairs corresponding to environment (or config) variables required by the nextstrain.org server:

$ terraform output

Outputs are stored and tracked in the remote state and may be updated when applying configuration changes. We cache non-sensitive outputs in JSON config files, which are loaded by the server to obtain appropriate default values. Terraform will note in its plan if an output changes. It if does, make sure to update the cached JSON config file:

$ ../../scripts/terraform-output-to-config > config.json

Outputs do not automatically become defined as environment (or config) variables. The values must be explicitly provided to the server process via standard environment variable mechanisms (e.g. Heroku’s config vars, your local shell, envdir, etc.) or a JSON config file (e.g. env/testing/config.json).


Terraform state may contain secrets embedded in it and is best treated as secret material itself. Avoid keeping copies of it on your local computer when possible.

See also