Interfaces for reading and writing data also known as input/output (I/O), mode='r', **kwargs)

Opens a given file path and returns the handle.

Transparently handles compressed inputs and outputs.

  • path_or_buffer – Name of the file to open or an existing IO buffer

  • mode (str) – Mode to open file (read or write)


File handle object

Return type:

IO, delimiters=(',', '\t'), columns=None, id_columns=('strain', 'name'), chunk_size=None, dtype=None)

Read metadata from a given filename and into a pandas DataFrame or TextFileReader object.

  • metadata_file (str) – Path to a metadata file to load.

  • delimiters (list of str) – List of possible delimiters to check for between columns in the metadata. Only one delimiter will be inferred.

  • columns (list of str) – List of columns to read. If unspecified, read all columns.

  • id_columns (list of str) – List of possible id column names to check for, ordered by priority. Only one id column will be inferred.

  • chunk_size (int) – Size of chunks to stream from disk with an iterator instead of loading the entire input file into memory.

  • dtype (dict or str) – Data types to apply to columns in metadata. If unspecified, pandas data type inference will be used. See documentation for an argument of the same name to pandas.read_csv().

Return type:

pandas.DataFrame or


KeyError – When the metadata file does not have any valid index columns.


For standard use, request a metadata file and get a pandas DataFrame.

>>> read_metadata("tests/functional/filter/data/metadata.tsv").index.values[0]

Requesting an index column that doesn’t exist should produce an error.

>>> read_metadata("tests/functional/filter/data/metadata.tsv", id_columns=("Virus name",))
Traceback (most recent call last):
Exception: None of the possible id columns ('Virus name') were found in the metadata's columns ('strain', 'virus', 'accession', 'date', 'region', 'country', 'division', 'city', 'db', 'segment', 'authors', 'url', 'title', 'journal', 'paper_url')

We also allow iterating through metadata in fixed chunk sizes.

>>> for chunk in read_metadata("tests/functional/filter/data/metadata.tsv", chunk_size=5):
...     print(chunk.shape)
(5, 14)
(5, 14)
(2, 14)*paths, format='fasta')

Read sequences from one or more paths.

Automatically infer compression mode (e.g., gzip, etc.) and return a stream of sequence records in the requested format (e.g., “fasta”, “genbank”, etc.).

  • paths (list of str or os.PathLike) – One or more paths to sequence files of any type supported by BioPython.

  • format (str) – Format of input sequences matching any of those supported by BioPython (e.g., “fasta”, “genbank”, etc.).


Bio.SeqRecord.SeqRecord – Sequence record from the given path(s).*files, comment_char='#')

Reads strain names from one or more plain text files and returns the set of distinct strains.

Strain names can be commented with full-line or inline comments. For example, the following is a valid strain names file:

# this is a comment at the top of the file
strain1  # exclude strain1 because it isn't sequenced properly
  # this is an empty line that will be ignored.

files (iterable of str) – one or more names of text files with one strain name per line


strain names from the given input files

Return type:

set, path_or_buffer, format='fasta')

Write sequences to a given path in the given format.

Automatically infer compression mode (e.g., gzip, etc.) based on the path’s filename extension.

  • sequences (iterable of Bio.SeqRecord.SeqRecord) – A list-like collection of sequences to write

  • path_or_buffer (str or os.PathLike or io.StringIO) – A path to a file to write the given sequences in the given format.

  • format (str) – Format of input sequences matching any of those supported by BioPython (e.g., “fasta”, “genbank”, etc.)


Number of sequences written out to the given path.

Return type:
