Migration to Nextclade v3

Version 3 of Nextclade contains a number of new features that required changing some of the parameters of the algorithms. In addition, we have simplified the structure of datasets. While these changes should make Nextclade more powerful and simpler to use, they do require adjustment of pipelines and custom datasets.

This section lists breaking changes in Nextclade v3 compared to Nextclade v2, and describes potential migration paths. For more details about each change as well as about non-breaking changes, please read the changelog.

If you encounter problems during migration, or breaking changes not mentioned in this document, please report it to developers by opening a new GitHub issue.

Avoiding the upgrade to v3 temporarily (staying on v2)

If you need some more time for the upgrade, and want to temporarily stay on Nextclade version 2, then you need to manually β€œpin” the version being used. In order to avoid breakage, we invite you to do this before v3 is released on January 16. The last version in v2 family is 2.14.0

For Nextclade Web

Use this URL: v2.clades.nextstrain.org. This address will have Nextclade Web v2 deployed even after v3 is deployed to the main address.

This might include cases where you use Nextclade Web yourself, as well as cases where you share links with other people, e.g. if you maintain a custom dataset in Nextclade v2 format and provide links preconfigured using URL parameters. Note that v2 datasets are not compatible with Nextclade v3 and vice-versa.

For Nextclade CLI

Existing Nextclade CLI v2 or Nextalign CLI v2 downloads and installations will continue to function. Datasets for Nextclade v2 will still be available as before, although they will not receive any updates. If you install Nextclade/Nextalign continuously using a script or a pipeline and you want to keep using v2 after v3 is released, you can do the following adjustments:

  • if you are using direct download, use links specific to the version 2.14.0 from here (scroll towards the bottom of the page)

  • if you are using Docker images, use a specific docker tag:

    docker pull nextstrain/nextclade:2.14.0
  • if you are installing package through Bioconda, specify a specific version:

    conda install nextclade=2.14.0

Please note that staying on Nextclade v2 is not recommended long-term. Nextclade v2 will not be receiving any software updates and will not receive any new dataset updates, so eventually you will end up with outdated analysis results.

1. Nextalign CLI is removed

Nextalign CLI is no longer provided as a standalone application along with Nextclade CLI v3. You can now use Nextclade CLI with the same command line arguments. Nextclade CLI runs the same algorithms, accepts same inputs and provides the same outputs, plus some more. For most use-cases, the CLI interface and the input and output files should be the same or very similar.

Migration paths

If you are not using Nextalign CLI (the nextalign executable), then this does not affect you.

If you are, then in your Nextalign command-line invocation replace the word nextalign to nextclade. When downloading the executables - use Nextclade download links instead of Nextalign links. If you use docker, pull nextstrain/nextclade image instead of nextstrain/nextalign.

If you used nextalign for a pathogen/strain which has a Nextclade dataset, then you can replace individual input arguments, such as for reference sequence and genome annotation with a single argument --input-dataset. Type nextclade run --help and refer to documentation for details on command-line arguments.

For a list of all datasets, type nextclade dataset list. If there is no dataset for your pathogen/strain, then consider arranging the individual input files into a dataset and contributing it to the Nextclade community dataset collection. For instructions see Nextclade dataset curation guide.

2. Some alignment parameters are removed

Due to changes in the seed alignment algorithm, the following parameters are no longer used and the corresponding CLI arguments and JSON fields under alignmentParams in pathogen.json (previously virus_properties.json) were removed:

--min-seeds          (minSeeds)
--seed-length        (seedLength)
--seed-spacing       (seedSpacing)
--min-match-rate     (minMatchRate)
--mismatches-allowed (mismatchesAllowed)
--max-indel          (maxIndel)

The following alignment parameters were added:

--kmer-length        (kmerLength)
--kmer-distance      (kmerDistance)
--min-match-length   (minMatchLength)
--allowed-mismatches (allowedMismatches)
--window-size        (windowSize)

Migration paths

This does not affect you if you have not customized these particular alignment parameters, either using CLI arguments or alignmentParams section of virus_properties.json file.

If you did, then remove the old parameters from your CLI invocation and/or from pathogen.json file. The new seed matching algorithm is more permissive regarding lower-quality sequences and allows seed-matching of more diverged sequences. It might be that it does not require parameter tuning anymore. If you observe sequences that cannot be aligned, but believe they should be, then please refer to the β€œAlignment” section in the user documentation for instructions on how to tune the new algorithm.

3. Different tree output

Nextclade v3 now has the ability to phylogenetically resolve relationships between input sequences, where v2 would only attach sequences to the reference tree. Nextclade v3 thus may produce trees that are different from the trees produced in Nextclade v2.

Please read the Phylogenetic placement: Tree building section in the documentation for more details.

Migration paths

We recommend the new behavior for most users and most pathogens. If you encounter any issues (consider reporting them) or prefer the old behavior, you can use --without-greedy-tree-builder argument in Nextclade CLI to disable it.

There is currently no way to disable the tree builder in Nextclade Web. If you need this functionality, please open a GitHub issue and explain your motivation. We are also open for contributions.

4. Dataset file format and dataset names have changed

The dataset files qc.json, primers.csv and virus_properties.json are now merged into a new file pathogen.json.

Dataset names have changed. There is no longer a separation to name, reference and other attributes. The datasets are now uniquely identified by a path-like name, which corresponds to the path of the dataset in the data repo.

Migration paths for dataset maintainers

If you have a custom dataset for Nextclade v2 and want to migrate it to Nextclade v3, then please follow Nextclade dataset migration guide.

We also invite you to consider submitting your dataset for potential inclusion to the Nextclade community datasets collection, so that it is visible in the list in Nextclade CLI and Nextclade Web. You can find relevant instructions in the Nextclade dataset curation guide.

If you encounter any difficulties, feel free to reach out by either opening a GitHub issue, or on Nextstrain discussion forum.

Migration paths for Nextclade Web:

If you are using Nextclade Web, you receive the most up-to-date datasets automatically. Refresh the page and make sure that the version of Nextclade in the bottom left corner is 3.0.0 or greater. There is nothing to do otherwise.

Migration paths for Nextclade CLI:

The names of the official datasets have changed (they look like filesystem paths now), so first you need to find out the new name using nextclade dataset list command. Then re-download your datasets using nextclade dataset get command and the new name.

For example, you can download Wuhan-based SARS-CoV-2 dataset using:

nextclade dataset get --name="nextstrain/sars-cov-2/wuhan-hu-1/orfs" --output-dir="out_dir/"

You can obtain a concise list of the available datasets if you add --only-names flag to the dataset list command:

nextclade dataset list --only-names

Alternatively, you can find dataset names in Nextclade Web user interface, in the dataset selector. To facilitate the migration, commonly used datasets have convenient shortcuts that match previous dataset names, for example rsv_a -> nextstrain/rsv/a/EPI_ISL_412866. These shortcuts are listed along with names and attributes by nextclade dataset list.

5. Some CLI arguments for individual input files are removed

Due to changes in dataset format the following CLI arguments were removed:


in favor of --input-pathogen-json.

Migration paths:

Please use --input-pathogen-json instead of the removed flags. If you need to migrate the files to the new format, then please follow the migration steps in the Nextclade dataset migration guide.

6. Some output files are removed

The dedicated output files for errors and for insertions are removed from all parts of Nextclade.

The arguments --output-errors and --output-insertions have been removed in favor of --output-tsv.

When --output-all argument is used, the files nextclade.errors.csv and nextclade.insertions.csv are no longer produced.

The argument --output-selection no longer accepts values errors and insertions.

In Nextclade Web, The nextclade.errors.csv and nextclade.insertions.csv files are removed and no longer appear in the β€œExport” dialog, nor they are included into the nextclade.zip archive of all outputs.

Migration paths:

If you rely on nextclade.errors.csv and nextclade.insertions.csv files, then use nextclade.tsv or nextclade.csv instead. These files include the same columns as nextclade.errors.csv and nextclade.insertions.csv.

In Nextclade CLI, if you use --output-insertions and/or --output-errors Please use --output-tsv (for tab-separated table) or --output-csv (for semicolon-separated table) arguments instead. If you use --output-selection argument, then remove values errors and insertions from it.

In Nextclade Web, if you use nextclade.errors.csv and nextclade.insertions.csv file, then use nextclade.tsv or nextclade.csv instead.

7. Genome annotation CLI argument is renamed

The argument --input-gene-map renamed to --input-annotation.

Migration paths:

Rename the argument

8. URL parameters in Nextclade Web have changed

Due to changes in the dataset format and in input files, the following changes in the URL parameters have been made:

URL parameter(s) What happened Migration path
input-root-seq renamed to input-ref rename the parameter
input-gene-map renamed to input-annotation rename the parameter
input-pathogen-json added
input-qc-config,input-pcr-primers, input-virus-properties removed use pathogen.json instead
dataset-reference removed use new dataset-name (which identifies the datasets uniquely)

9. CDS instead of genes

Nextclade now uses β€œCDS” features from genome annotations instead of β€œgene” features. Certain fields in input and output files have been modified to reflect that. Certain CLI arguments have been renamed.

Modified input files

The following fields are renamed in the input pathogen.json (previously virus_properties.json and qc.json):

From: aaMotifs[].includeGenes[].gene
To:   aaMotifs[].includeCdses[].cds

From: phenotypeData[].gene
To:   phenotypeData[].cds

From: qc.frameShifts.ignoredFrameShifts[].geneName
To:   qc.frameShifts.ignoredFrameShifts[].cdsName

From: qc.stopCodons.ignoredStopCodons[].geneName
To:   qc.stopCodons.ignoredStopCodons[].cdsName

Modified output files

The following fields are renamed in the output nextclade.json/nextclade.ndjson:

From: results[].missingGenes
To:   results[].missingCdses

The following columns are renamed in the output nextclade.tsv/nextclade.csv:

From: failedGenes
To:   failedCdses

The following fields are renamed in the output nextclade.tree.json:

From: node_atts.missing_genes
To:   node_atts.missing_cdses

Modified CLI arguments and template strings

The following CLI argument is renamed: -g, --genes -> -g, --cds-selection

The template string expected by -P, --output-translations now requires a literal {cds} instead of {gene}.

The default path of output translations requested through --output-all is renamed to nextclade.cds_translation.{cds}.fasta (previously: nextclade_gene_{gene}.translation.fasta).

Migration paths

When creating or modifying pathogen.json file in the dataset make sure to use the new names of the mentioned fields.

When using output files, make sure to use the new names of the mentioned fields and columns.

Use the new CLI argument -g, --cds-selection instead of -g, --genes. The values passed should be unchanged (i.e. SARS-CoV-2 spike S is still S).

Replace {gene} with {cds} in the template string passed to -P, --output-translations.

You can emulate the old (default) behavior by passing --output-translations="nextclade_gene_{cds}.translation.fasta" to nextclade3 when --output-all is used.