Customize your group’s page


You must have the owners role within a group to change its customizations.

Customizable Components

The overview and logo are separate customizable components that are displayed at the top of your group’s splash page.


The overview consists of a title, byline, website, and/or description of your group:

title: "Your Department of Health and Human Services"
byline: "Your Name Here"
website: https://
showDatasets: true
showNarratives: true

A description of your organization goes here.

The top of this file provides a title for the page, a list of people who maintain the data, a website, and/or whether to show datasets and narratives from your group. This information is technically known as the YAML front matter for the file.

All fields are optional and either have generic defaults (like the title) or are omitted from the page by default (like the byline and website link). Dataset and narrative listings are both shown (i.e. true) by default if not specified otherwise in this file with a value of false.

After the front matter (in the lines following the last --- characters), write a description of your organization to provide context for users who can access your groups page. Use Markdown syntax to format the contents of your group description with headers, lists, links, etc. This content will appear between the title/byline/website heading and the list of available datasets on the group’s page.

Methods for Updating Components

There are different methods for updating the customizable components for your group. They should have the same effects on the group’s splash page, so please use whichever method you are more comfortable with.

Web Interface

Before you can customize your group’s page, you need to log in on

Then, on the group’s splash page, you should see an EDIT GROUP SETTINGS button that will take you to the settings page. You can also navigate directly to the settings page by going to${GROUPNAME}/settings.

On the settings page, you can directly edit the text for the group’s overview and upload or delete the group’s logo.

Command Line


This guide currently uses curl to make direct API requests. Make sure to replace ${GROUPNAME} in the example commands with your group’s actual name.

You can customize the content of your group’s page thru two files:


  • group-logo.png

The names of these files do not matter, so you may use whatever makes most sense to to you. This guide will use the names above in examples.

Log in with the Nextstrain CLI

Before you can customize your group’s page, you need to log into with the Nextstrain CLI’s nextstrain login command so we can use its nextstrain authorization command:

nextstrain login

Confirm that you have access to your group by running nextstrain whoami:

nextstrain whoami

You should see your group name in the output.


Create a new file named and add your group’s overview to it.

With this file, you can now update your group’s overview settings:

curl -fsS${GROUPNAME}/settings/overview \
    --header @<(nextstrain authorization) \
    --header "Content-Type: text/markdown" \

If you have a group logo, you can update that too:

curl -fsS${GROUPNAME}/settings/logo \
    --header @<(nextstrain authorization) \
    --header "Content-Type: image/png" \
    --upload-file group-logo.png


Edit your local files and repeat the curl commands above to make changes to your existing customizations.

If you no longer have the customization files locally, you can download the file:

curl -fsS${GROUPNAME}/settings/overview \
    --header @<(nextstrain authorization) \
    --header "Accept: text/markdown" \

and/or the group-logo.png file:

curl -fsS${GROUPNAME}/settings/logo \
    --header @<(nextstrain authorization) \
    --header "Accept: image/png" \


To remove the overview customizations:

curl -fsS${GROUPNAME}/settings/overview \
    --header @<(nextstrain authorization) \
    --request DELETE

and/or the logo:

curl -fsS${GROUPNAME}/settings/logo \
    --header @<(nextstrain authorization) \
    --request DELETE