Parts of a whole

Nextstrain is made up of many different parts that all work together. Two core parts are Augur and Auspice.

digraph { graph [ rankdir=LR, ]; node [ shape=box, style="rounded, filled", fontname="Lato, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif", fontsize=12, height=0.1, colorscheme=paired10, ]; edge [ arrowhead=open, arrowsize=0.75, ]; Augur [fillcolor=1, color=2]; Auspice [fillcolor=3, color=4]; Augur -> Auspice; }

Augur is a series of composable, modular bioinformatics tools. We use these to create recipes for different pathogens and different analyses, which can be reproduced given the same input data and replicated when new data is available.

graph { graph [ ranksep=0.25, ]; node [ shape=box, style="rounded, filled", fontname="Lato, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif", fontsize=12, height=0.1, colorscheme=paired10, fillcolor=1, color=2, ]; edge [ arrowhead=open, arrowsize=0.75, ]; Augur -- ellipsis1 [style=invis]; ellipsis1 [label="…", shape=plain, style=""]; Augur -- {filter, align, tree, refine, export}; Augur -- ellipsis2 [style=invis]; ellipsis2 [label="…", shape=plain, style=""]; }

Auspice is a web-based visualization program, to present and interact with phylogenomic and phylogeographic data. Auspice is what you see when, for example, you visit


Auspice displaying Mumps genomes from North America.

Datasets are produced by Augur and visualized by Auspice. These files are often referred to as JSONs colloquially because they use a generic data format called JSON.

digraph { graph [ rankdir=LR, ]; node [ shape=box, style="rounded, filled", fontname="Lato, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif", fontsize=12, height=0.1, colorscheme=paired10, ]; edge [ arrowhead=open, arrowsize=0.75, ]; Augur [fillcolor=1, color=2]; Auspice [fillcolor=3, color=4]; jsons [label=< Dataset <FONT POINT-SIZE="10"> <BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>- mumps_na.json <BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>- mumps_na_root-sequence.json </FONT> >]; Augur -> jsons -> Auspice; }

A build is a recipe of several commands and data that produce a single dataset.

digraph { graph [ ranksep=0.25, ]; node [ shape=box, style="rounded, filled", fontname="Lato, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif", fontsize=12, height=0.1, colorscheme=paired10, ]; edge [ arrowhead=open, arrowsize=0.75, ]; subgraph Augur { graph [rank=same]; node [fillcolor=1, color=2]; filter -> align -> tree -> refine -> export; } Dataset; Auspice [fillcolor=3, color=4]; export -> Dataset; Dataset -> Auspice; subgraph inputs { graph [rank=same]; sequences [label="sequences.fasta"]; metadata [label="metadata.tsv"]; } sequences -> filter; metadata -> filter; }

A workflow can bundle one or more related builds and are often automated by workflow managers such as Snakemake, Nextflow and WDL.

Our pathogen repositories are organized as Git repositories hosted on GitHub. Each repository can contain one or more workflows.

digraph { graph [ fontname="Lato, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif", fontsize=12, ]; node [ shape=box, style="rounded, filled", fontname="Lato, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif", fontsize=12, height=0.1, colorscheme=paired10, pad=0.1, margin=0.1, ]; rankdir=LR; subgraph cluster_ncov { label = "SARS-CoV-2 repository"; subgraph cluster_ncov_phylo { label = "Phylogenetic workflow"; build0 [width=1, label="Global build"]; build1 [width=1, label="Africa build"]; build2 [width=1, label="Europe build"]; output0 [width=1, label="dataset"]; output1 [width=1, label="dataset"]; output2 [width=1, label="dataset"]; ellipses1 [width=1, label="...", penwidth=0, fillcolor="white"]; ellipses2 [width=1, label="...", penwidth=0, fillcolor="white"]; } } subgraph cluster_zika { label = "Zika repository"; nojustify = true; subgraph cluster_zika_ingest { label = "Ingest workflow"; build3 [width=1, label="ingest build"]; output3 [width=1, label="ingest dataset"]; } subgraph cluster_zika_phylo { label = "Phylogenetic workflow"; build4 [width=1, label="phylogenetic build"]; output4 [width=1, label="dataset"]; } } subgraph cluster_mpox { label = "Mpox repository"; subgraph cluster_mpox_ingest { label = "Ingest workflow"; build5 [width=1, label="ingest build"]; output5 [width=1, label="ingest dataset"]; } subgraph cluster_mpox_phylo { label = "Phylogenetic workflow"; build6 [width=1, label="mpxv build"]; build7 [width=1, label="hmpxv1 build"]; build8 [width=1, label="hmpxv1_big build"]; output6 [width=1, label="dataset"]; output7 [width=1, label="dataset"]; output8 [width=1, label="dataset"]; } subgraph cluster_mpox_nextclade { label = "Nextclade workflow"; build9 [width=1, label="all-clades build"]; build10 [width=1, label="clade-iib build"]; build11 [width=1, label="lineage-b.1 build"]; output9 [width=1, label="Nextclade dataset"]; output10 [width=1, label="Nextclade dataset"]; output11 [width=1, label="Nextclade dataset"]; } } build0 -> output0; build1 -> output1; build2 -> output2; build3 -> output3; build4 -> output4; build5 -> output5; build6 -> output6; build7 -> output7; build8 -> output8; build9 -> output9; build10 -> output10; build11 -> output11; { edge[style=invis]; output0 -> build3; // arrange clusters on same row output3 -> build5; // arrange clusters on same row ellipses1 -> ellipses2; } } is a web application to host and present the core pathogen datasets maintained by the Nextstrain team, as well as datasets published to Nextstrain Groups and community pages which are maintained and shared by many other people. The website incorporates a customized version of Auspice for displaying each dataset.

You can run Augur and Auspice on your own computer and use them independently or together with your own builds, our core builds, or others’ group or community builds. You can even install Auspice on your own web server if you don’t want to host your datasets via

The Nextstrain CLI ties together all of the above to provide a consistent way to run pathogen workflows, access Nextstrain tools like Augur and Auspice across computing environments such as Docker, Conda, and AWS Batch, and publish datasets to

Nextclade is a web application and a command-line tool for performing viral genome alignment, mutation calling, clade assignment, quality checks, and phylogenetic placement. Nextclade can be used independently of other Nextstrain tools as well as integrated into workflows.

With this overview, you’ll be better prepared to install Nextstrain and run a workflow or contribute to development.