augur.curate package
A suite of commands to help with data curation.
Creates an argparse.ArgumentParser that is intended to be used as a parent parser¹ for all augur curate subcommands. This should include all options that are intended to be shared across the subcommands.
Note that any options strings used here cannot be used in individual subcommand subparsers unless the subparser specifically sets conflict_handler=’resolve’ ², then the subparser option will override the option defined here.
¹ ²
- augur.curate.register_parser(parent_subparsers)
- augur.curate.validate_records(records, subcmd_name, is_input)
Validate that the provided records all have the same fields. Uses the keys of the first record to check against all other records.
- augur.curate.abbreviate_authors module
- augur.curate.apply_geolocation_rules module
- augur.curate.apply_record_annotations module
- augur.curate.format_dates module
- augur.curate.format_dates_directives module
- augur.curate.normalize_strings module
- augur.curate.parse_genbank_location module
- augur.curate.passthru module
- augur.curate.rename module
- augur.curate.titlecase module
- augur.curate.transform_strain_name module